From the creator of Pumpkin Jack, now operating under the studio name Evil Raptor, comes Akimbot, a third-person action-platformer inspired by PlayStation 2 classics like Ratchet & Clank. The game treads familiar ground, offering little innovation, but it relies on its characters and fast-paced gameplay to stand out.
Akimbot is set in a universe, to put it bluntly, full of “metal.” The entire population consists of robots instead of humans, with a variety of shapes, colors, and designs, giving the adventure a unique and quirky atmosphere. The protagonist, a mercenary named Exe, finds himself in trouble – specifically, inside a transport vehicle for robots, destined for prison. He is portrayed as a character with no connections to others, relying solely on his sharp survival instincts. However, in the same transport vehicle is Shipset, a floating companion who is the complete opposite of Exe. Shipset has no survival skills but is very talkative and charismatic. After striking a deal to help each other escape the transport vehicle and get far away from the area, something unexpected happens. The planet begins to be attacked by evil forces, and naturally, the player takes on the role of the hero.
The dynamic between Shipset and Exe is quite entertaining, somewhat similar to what happens in Ratchet and Clank. While this isn’t meant to undermine the dialogue or storyline, it’s hard not to draw comparisons between the two games, especially in terms of graphics and gameplay. Although the dynamic works well most of the time, Shipset’s repetitive chatter and tone can become a bit tiresome over time.
Akimbot doesn’t attempt to reinvent the wheel when it comes to the genre. Instead, it provides tools that make its gameplay enjoyable, which becomes the key highlight of the adventure. The objective is to progress through each level, ultimately defeating the final boss and saving the universe. Along the way, each level is filled with enemies, platforms, and small puzzles or new mechanics around every corner. For example, players can pilot a spaceship, firing cannons at enemy ships while dodging attacks, or take control of a T-Rex in a frantic section inside a collapsing cave.
Regarding weapons, Exe will have access to a basic weapon with infinite ammo and special weapons that can be purchased at specific points in each level, with the ability to upgrade them for better performance. These special weapons can be crucial for dealing with certain enemies. For example, the sniper rifle allows you to stay at a distance while calmly picking off enemies, although it’s nearly impossible to remain still with enemies constantly around. The laser weapon deals damage over time, as long as the laser remains aimed at the enemies. It would be more interesting if players could switch special weapons during action without needing to visit the shop menu. Another drawback is the lack of special ammo scattered throughout the levels; it can only be recovered from defeated enemies, and even then, it’s not always guaranteed.
With its fast-paced, enjoyable gameplay, Akimbot offers hours of fun despite some flaws, particularly regarding the weapon system. It’s not a perfect game, but it’s easy to recommend to those looking for a light, nostalgic action game.